3 Types of content you should include in your weekly content strategy

The saying that “Content is King” couldn’t be more true. As a small business owner and entrepreneur, your content is what attracts your clients and consumers to your offering. But what kind of content helps to attract these clients? What type of content helps to convert?
  • Entertaining
  • Engaging
  • Educational

The saying that “Content is King” couldn’t be more true. As a small business owner and entrepreneur, your content is what attracts your clients and consumers to your offering. But what kind of content helps to attract these clients? What type of content helps to convert? In this article, I will list the three types of content that you should include in your weekly strategy, regardless of the channel and why. 

Entertaining content

In some way, shape, or form you should be giving your audience something to laugh or smile about! Whether the tone of your brand’s voice is empathetic, serious, or informative most people want to laugh from time to time. Use different methods to tie it back into your business! This makes you relatable and helps to humanize your brand. 

Engaging content

People tend to engage with content when it resonates with them. Think about a few things that will make your audience feel and respond. This can be done through agitation, relatability, a thought provoking question, etc. Always, always be sure that the content falls in line with your industry or niche. 

Educational content

This is a no brainer. Teach your audience something that they do not know. Something that is easy to consume. Think about how they consume content, where they consume content, and what time of day they consume content. What are 5-10 things you wish your consumers or clients knew about your industry? Educate them on those very things. Become the go-to brand that people look for when they need to know more about something in your industry. 

Creating content doesn’t have to be hard. When you have a plan in place and topics to work with, it becomes that much easier! Take these tools and make the magic happen. Happy creating! 

Picture of Mia Cooper

Mia Cooper

Hi, I’m Mia, founder and creator of The Hustle From Home Mom, LLC. The Hustle From Home Mom, LLC is a black owned, woman owned, small business that offers strategic planning and execution for businesses looking to use and understand social media. My clients are typically seeking out a professional to help them either, 1. Come up with a consistent plan for their audience, 2. Create a new strategy for social media, or 3. Customize a plan that fits their lifestyle. It has been my pleasure to serve numerous businesses and entrepreneurs in my years of entrepreneurship.